Mental health

Associazione oggi

The incredible strength of the mentally ill and their disconcerting fragility have made possible the involvement of the Group for Transcultural Relations in mental health projects. The Group for Transcultural Relations aims to find effective methods to support a different way of thinking and therapeutic practice from those in the West.

The aim is to provide suitable facilities for the treatment of patients. Also to train and support local associations engaged in the care of people with mental disorders.

We offer support to the sick and their families in South America and the Horn of Africa, especially in Somalia.

Projects and news

  • All
  • Guatemala english
  • Italy
  • Kenya english
  • Nicaragua english
  • Somaliland

NJIA YA NYUMBANI. The way home

The Way Home aims to strengthen community and institutional response to the phenomenon of street children in Mlango Kubwa in the Starehe sub-county of Nairobi, Kenya.

Psychosocial support for refugees

Thanks to funding from UNHCR, GRT was able to set up an integrated project in Somaliland of both prevention and psychosocial intervention activities.

Medicine for ethnic minorities

The first project implemented by GRT in Guatemala (specifically in the Maya K’Iche Community in Totonicapan) aimed to work with local therapists who apply traditional […]

GRT in Nicaragua

In Nicaragua, GRT has implemented numerous projects with long-term results, intervening in various sectors.

Transcultural Psychotherapy School

In September 2017, the GRT merged with the Cecchini Pace Foundation, also founded by Professor Rosalba Terranova Cecchini.

Boresha Maisha

The Project aims to improve the living conditions, psycho-physical well-being and social inclusion of the most vulnerable children in the Starehe sub-county (Nairobi, Kenya).

Somalia on the move

GRT is carrying out a series of interventions in Somaliland and Mogadisho to support and improve the country’s paediatric and mental health systems.

Chains of Prejudice

Thank you! Nearly 1,000 people participated at the live broadcast or watched the recording of the meeting on Mental Health in Africa, that took place on 30 November.

Somalia on the move

GRT is implementing a series of interventions in Somaliland and Mogadisho to support and improve the socio-health systems in the field of pediatrics and mental health in the country.

Building hope and healing invisible wounds: a psychosocial intervention in Kismayo

The project aims at addressing the psychosocial needs of the population that has been suffering from various traumatic experience, lack of resources and deprivation.

Refugees and asylum seekers support

In the independent region of Puntland, north-east of Somalia, people living in Bosaso, Bashan and Garowe continuously suffer from drought, uncertainty, deprivation.