Protection of victims in Somalia

GRT’s main objective for this project was to provide medical care and psychological support to displaced persons, asylum seekers and victims of gender-based violence, particularly children, in Puntland, Garowe.

The project

The project aimed to provide this type of care and services during the project period and afterwards.

Strengthening of institutions combating gender-based violence (health services, religious institutions, community support groups) through training for psycho-social counsellors and birth attendants.

Improving living conditions for the population at night with the distribution of 298 solar lanterns financed by IOM.

Assessment of community needs by collecting and discussing data obtained from the distribution of quantitative questionnaires and forums.


117 victims of gender-based violence were able to receive individual assistance and support;
110 received psychosocial support and counselling;
81 were referred to specialised medical centres; and
71 received personalised individual support;
99 birth attendants and 92 participants received training and support
