Preventing gender-based violence

prevenire la violenza di genere


This project aims to identify and support vulnerable populations, including children, to prevent gender-based violence. The project deals with both prevention and response mechanisms through a combination of activities that are based on the established experience in the field and the long-term presence of Gruppo per le Relazioni Transculturali in the area of intervention.

  • Activities: the implementation of this project involves GRT organising a series of activities with the aim of supporting the most vulnerable children in the mentioned localities. During the initial phase, victims of gender-based violence, mostly women and children, were identified in a safe and confidential manner and provided with health treatment and medical support. In a second stage, the beneficiaries were provided with emotional support and offered short and long-term rehabilitation plans.
  • Training: GRT then provided training on psychosocial support and management of rape and gender-based violence to health personnel and distributed about 450 health kits to women and girls who were victims of gender-based violence.
  • Awareness-raising: awareness-raising campaigns on gender-based violence and child jordan luka 3 colorways release dates protection were conducted to Increase community awareness of the causes and negative effects of gender-based violence, as well as to support the fight against it.


To identify and to support vulnerable populations, including children, exposed to gender-based violence in drought-affected areas of Puntland. Strengthening mechanisms to prevent and respond to incidents of gender-based violence against women and children in the drought-affected communities womens air jordan 6 barely rose dh9696 100 release date of Bosaso, Garowe and Galkayo.


Direct beneficiaries: approximately 4.000 vulnerable IDPs (internally displaced persons) and local staff in Bosaso, Garowe and Galkayo.

Indirect beneficiaries: approximately 10.000 people, according to a rough estimate of people reached through radio programs conducted during the awareness-raising campaigns.