MOVING. People and images in motion is a project born from the desire to involve, through a dedicated cultural offer, a network of publics, professionals and realities engaged in social work between the Casoretto neighborhood, via Porpora and via Padova in Milan. The project is articulated in a transversal offer: photography workshops, a programming of exhibitions and three art projects with a strong participatory attitude.
The project was created to support cultural participation by generating opportunities for exchange between public space, artistic research and educational proposals. The title, citing the idea of moving images typical of cinema and audiovisual, suggests a “movement” of people and visual languages, understanding artistic production — photography, installation, painting, sculpture, sound, video — as an activator of meanings and relationships.
Description of activities
Building on a three-year experience of designing and conducting photography workshops dedicated to people with mental disabilities, born from the collaboration between GRT and Fabrizio Fortini, a photographer and educator, the project proposes workshops aimed at neighborhood residents, in collaboration with Cooperative COMIN and with the participation of Guido Borso (Milan, 1990), a photographer based in Via Padova whose practice focuses on exploring the relationship between humanity and society in its many forms of adaptation and relationship. Participants are offered the opportunity to learn new ways of reading and exploring reality through the photographic device. The realized shots will flow into a concluding and widespread exhibition, among public spaces and courtyards, scheduled for December 2023.
The ONOFF space, in continuity with the photographic exploration workshops, will offer three exhibitions dedicated to the photographic image, featuring photographers: Rhafael Baldaya, Guido Borso, Romuldas Pozerszkis and Rimaldas Vikšraitis.
Giulia Savorani is a visual artist, filmmaker and lecturer based in Milan. She understands artistic practice as a place of learning in which to explore the psychic and bodily relationships constantly activated in our daily lives. For ONOFF, she presents an experimental animated film made in 2020 and an unreleased production: a narrative – or imaginative vision – of how a person with Alzheimer’s can perceive the world and the people around them. Giulia Savorani transforms the exhibition space into a container of “small visions that unfold through unknown forms, following a dreamlike logic.” The project includes an artist-led guided dreaming activity designed to engage small groups of people, and a concluding live event hosted by mosso (October 2023) structured as a dialogue between experimental music and projections: a flow of changing sounds and images.
Francesca Mussi is a visual artist expert in different techniques of engraving on paper, both traditional and experimental. Her research is also developed through other devices, such as: installation, photography and video. The project titled Illesa difesa conceived for ONOFF, scheduled for November 2023, consists of a site-specific intervention in which the artist, through a display played on overturning, proposes a reflection around the modes of transmission of knowledge, with particular reference to the school environment. The public is invited, during a workshop led by the artist, to physically intervene on the space of ONOFF, using the floor as a surface to engrave and as an unusual matrix for printing.
Francesca Consonni – an artist whose practice focuses on the encounter between set design and the visual arts – realizes the unreleased project entitled A Lunar Work: an evocation of filmic and social memory in which the cinematic image becomes an active witness of a new collective narrative. Starting from the figure of Elvira Notari, film director of the early 1900s and pioneer of neorealist cinema, Francesca Consonni leads a workshop in collaboration with Progetto Aisha, an association created to combat violence against women and their discrimination, intended for the co-construction of a work from a frame of a film by Elvira Notari.
About Us
MOVING. People and Images in Motion is articulated through the collaboration of several nonprofits with consolidated experience in the social and cultural spheres: GRT – Gruppo per le Relazioni Transculturali, a specialized NGO working in the field of mental health and supporting minorities in difficulty; Compagnia Itinerante s.c.r.a.l. Sociale, committed to supporting people in mental and social fragility; and COMIN Cooperativa sociale di solidarietà – active in community housing, family foster care and child care projects and social cohesion. ONOFF, an exhibition space and cultural incubator based on via Padova, the social promotion association Progetto Aisha, the Cesana Tarabella Palmanova Tenants’ Committee – Solidarity Courtyards, and the social promotion association Mutuo Soccorso (Mutual Aid) join the project.