Human Rights and Gender-based Violence

This project aims to promote change for members of the security forces, regional governments, survivors of human rights violations, and the civilian population. Specifically, the project aims to strengthen the partnership between civil society organizations and the security sector to end violence against women and children in Somalia.


To achieve this goal, the project intervenes in 4 different areas: Population, Professionals, Organizations and Security System and focuses on promoting change in all 4 levels.

The main objective of the project is to sensitize members of security agencies, parliamentarians, regional leaders and the civilian population on the issue of human rights to enable the improvement of the security conditions of women and children and the creation of safe spaces. At the same time, women and children who are survivors of human rights violations are trained and equipped with specific skills that they can use to raise their livelihoods as active members of the community.


GRT supports the project by promoting several activities, including the design and implementation of educational programs on human rights, the creation of dialogue platforms for security forces and the community, the design and implementation of a model of psycho-social support to women and children survivors of human rights violations as well as the promotion and implementation of workshops and forums between members of the security forces and the civilian population.

On the other hand, women and children survivors of human rights violations have been trained and equipped with specific skills that they can use to be able to collect their livelihoods as active members of the community, a model of psycho-social support to women and children survivors has been designed and implemented.


This project has identified as main beneficiaries part of the civilian population and individuals who have experience and knowledge necessary to interact with project beneficiaries. These include nursing staff, government and non-government personnel, United Nations staff in Somalia, non-governmental organizations, and donors.


Action in these areas meant that the project achieved important results in terms of:

  • increased awareness of the security sector and civilian population on the importance of ensuring safety for women and children
  • Reducing the number of human rights violations against women and children by security forces and armed groups
  • improving the conditions of survivors of violence and the mechanisms for responding to it. There has also been improved local outreach and understanding of important regional and international treaties and conventions.