Gender-based violence and vulnerable childhood

In the camps for displaced people, womend and children live in serious deprivationa and danger. They are often extremely vulnerable to violence and mistreatment.

GRT developed his project with OCHA financial contribution.

The main objective was to reduce violence and improve local services answer to the phenomenon.

Psycho-social support to GBV victims

During the first phase, GRT identified the victims of violence in internally displaced people’s camps, in a safe and confidential way. An individualized support and professional training were ensured to almost 500 people, helping them to process their traumas and to be reintegrated in the society.

Several victims were addressed to foster jordan luka 3 colorways release dates families.

Local staff received specific training to learn more adequate skills to face the problem.

Improvement of quality of protection and assistance services for vulnerable children

GRT organized awareness events for different local actors. Two youth centers were founded.

The support to victims was an important result of this project:

  • 92 people received medical assistance and addressed to hospitals and clinics
  • 203 received personalized assistance
  • 88 received individual support or professional training