Gender Based Violence

Children in Adversity, Gender Based Violence, Mental Health

Protection of victims in Somalia

GRT’s main objective for this project was to provide medical care and psychological support to displaced persons, asylum seekers and victims of gender-based violence, particularly children, in Puntland, Garowe.   The project The project aimed to provide this type of care and services during the project period and afterwards. Strengthening of institutions combating gender-based violence […]

Gender Based Violence

Gender-based violence in Puntland

Thanks to UNICEF funds, GRT implemented this project  to ensure psycho-social support to women and children victims of violence, to improve prevention and intervention services,to support awareness compaigns on GBV issues and Child Protection. GRT activities included: Identification and warnings alerting services about cases of violence Psycho-social, legal, medical support Monitoring work in the focal […]

prevenire la violenza di genere
Gender Based Violence

Preventing gender-based violence

Project: This project aims to identify and support vulnerable populations, including children, to prevent gender-based violence. The project deals with both prevention and response mechanisms through a combination of activities that are based on the established experience in the field and the long-term presence of Gruppo per le Relazioni Transculturali in the area of intervention. […]

Children in Adversity, Gender Based Violence

Girls Education Challenge

This project aims to ensure that marginalized girls have the opportunity to obtain an education through school. The aim is to enable girls to support themselves and get out of the extreme poverty in which they live. The project wants to intervene in the decrease of the school dropout rate that, without this intervention, would […]

Children in Adversity, Gender Based Violence

Gender-based violence and vulnerable childhood

In the camps for displaced people, womend and children live in serious deprivationa and danger. They are often extremely vulnerable to violence and mistreatment. GRT developed his project with OCHA financial contribution. The main objective was to reduce violence and improve local services answer to the phenomenon. Psycho-social support to GBV victims During the first […]

Gender Based Violence

Human Rights and Gender-based Violence

This project aims to promote change for members of the security forces, regional governments, survivors of human rights violations, and the civilian population. Specifically, the project aims to strengthen the partnership between civil society organizations and the security sector to end violence against women and children in Somalia. Objectives To achieve this goal, the project […]

Gender Based Violence

GEMMA against violence

The GEMMA (Gender-Based Empowerment of Women through a Multiagency Approach) project draws on the WHO’s ecological model of understanding violence and studies showing that violence against women is one of the most urgent problems worldwide, to conduct an intervention program on a specific group of women at high risk of experiencing violence: women from minority […]