As part of the activities in favour of disabled children and strengthening local organisations, GRT is carrying out together with CBR- Community Based Rehabilitation – of Bhaktapur the project “The Chronicity of the Earthquake” thanks to the contribution of the 8×1000 of the Tavola Valdese.
Author: GRT_Tirocinanti
Slum Drummers
This project aims to improve the living conditions of street children and support the empowerment and capacity building of the CBO Slum Drummers, a musical group born from the street.
Psychosocial support for refugees
Thanks to funding from UNHCR, GRT was able to set up an integrated project in Somaliland of both prevention nike dunk high blue satin and psychosocial intervention activities.
Protection of victims in Somalia
Provide medical nike metro womens basketball care and psychological support to displaced persons, asylum seekers and victims of gender-based violence, particularly children, in Puntland, Garowe.
Medicine for ethnic minorities
The first project implemented by GRT in Guatemala (specifically in the Maya K’Iche Community in Totonicapan) aimed to work with local therapists who apply traditional […]
GRT in Nicaragua
In Nicaragua, GRT has implemented numerous projects with long-term results, intervening in various sectors.
Transcultural Psychotherapy School
In September 2017, the GRT merged with the Cecchini Pace Foundation nike air vortex black vintage boots , AspennigeriaShops , Cut in half: Nike Journey Run Review (2024), also founded by Professor Rosalba Terranova Cecchini.
Boresha Maisha
The Project aims to improve the living conditions, psycho-physical well-being and social inclusion of the most vulnerable children in the Starehe sub-county nike sabrina 2 sneaker release date (Nairobi, Kenya).
Somalia on the move
GRT is carrying out a series of interventions in Somaliland and Mogadisho to support and improve the country’s paediatric and mental health systems.