GRT, in collaboration with Terre Solidali, the University of Milan, the Ministry of Health and Development – Somaliland, the Ministry of Health – Federal Republic of Somalia, IIDA, Save Somalia, GAVO is carrying out a series of interventions in Somaliland and Mogadisho to support and improve the country’s paediatric and mental health systems.
The project is financed by the Italian Agency for Cooperation and Development – AICS (ref. 11514) and co-financed by the Waldensian Church – 8×1000.
Mental Health
Interventions in this area concern strengthening and improving access to mental health services in Hargeisa and Somaliland, especially for displaced people, through:
-clinical activities within the mental health department of the Hargeisa hospital (on-the-job theoretical and professional training of medical and social staff; coaching staff in case management and drug treatment; improving clinical routines and outpatient visits)
-strengthening the family-hospital alliance and family education (focus on the relationship with the patient and the family to ensure therapeutic continuity and the construction of a psycho-social rehabilitation pathway).
-Home-based clinical-social activities (home visits, therapy monitoring, on-site education, psycho-social interventions).
-Awareness-raising campaigns to combat the strong stigma towards people with mental disorders prevalent in the country.
-implementation of an innovative computerised system for medical records management and monitoring at the mental health department of the Hargeisa hospital
-establishment and leadership of the Somaliland mental health and psychosocial support stakeholder coordination network.
National Mental Health Policy
Activation of working tables to define the first federal level mental health policy in collaboration with IIDA and the Ministry of Health of the Federal Republic of Somalia.
Paediatric care
The action supports the specialised activities of the Mohamed Aden Sheikh Children Teaching Hospital (MASCHT), the only public facility entirely dedicated to paediatrics and neonatology. Targeted interventions by international specialists have been organised both on site and through constant telemedicine support; laboratory analyses have been expanded and staff have been trained in management and accounting subjects.
In cooperation with Terre Solidali, which has been active in this field for many years, MATSCH’s computer system was upgraded by providing systems and procedures that can work in an integrated manner with the HGH hospital. Workstations and servers were provided. Staff were trained in the use of the system.
Training was provided with the telemedicine system in connection with doctors, nurses and technicians at the Regina Margherita Children’s Hospital in Turin. All the necessary equipment for distance learning was provided.
GAVO started a local fundraising plan with the involvement of small and large entrepreneurs and other stakeholders.